The Center for Social Justice and Democracy in memory of Yaakov Chazan at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute was founded in 2000 by the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and the kibbutz movement’s Yaakov Chazan Memorial Fund. The center aims to connect theoretical discussion and academic activity with social action and lobbying of decision makers. Since 2007, the Center for Social Justice has been engaged in a far-ranging research project, examining areas concerning the state’s responsibility and the shifting boundaries between the public and the private spheres. State Responsibility, the Boundaries of Privatization and the Regulation issue
Privatization is the most significant, most comprehensive and most consistent reform in the political-administrative system in Israel since the mid-1980s. Nonetheless, there has been no examination or assessment of this major reform, its social and economic implications, the disparate effects on minorities or the poor; the possible threat to civil and political liberties by non-governmental entities, that are not democratically accountable; and the exclusion of certain groups from basic goods and services. In response to these challenges, we launched our groundbreaking Privatization Project in April 2007, expanded in 2012 to include Israel's regulation policy. The project seeks to: o Act as an effective watchdog, closely monitoring developments in the field of privatization and nationalism in Israel and functioning as the focal point for research, analysis, and publications on these issues. o Examine the advantages and disadvantages of privatization in various fields and assess the responsibilities of the State and the effect on achieving an equitable and just society in Israel. o Develop and advance legislation on privatization and disseminate concrete recommendations for a suitable regulatory system that will enshrine effective mechanisms in Israeli law. o Empower decision-makers and the Israeli public through access to real-time studies and information that will encourage debate on privatizations (or nationalizations), and the appropriate regulation. Outputs
*** Many democratic countries are now reassessing their privatization policies and introducing new considerations to policy-making in this field. One of the new questions posed by our project is how privatization and regulation contribute to the economic and social wellbeing of Israeli citizens. Program Staff Prof Itzhak Galnoor - Academic Director Dr. Amir Paz-Fuchs - Academic Co- Director; Annual report author; researcher Nomika Zion – Dr. Eyal Tevet – Regulation research coordinator and co-academic director; Researcher Dr. Sarit Ben-Simchon-Peleg - Annual report co-author; Researcher Dr. Varda Shiffer – Researcher and director: Regulation of Local Government Noga Eitan - Advocacy & media Adv. Ifaat Solel - Legislative work Researchers: about 40 members
Steering committee members: Prof. Itzhak Galnoor, Dr. Amir Paz-Fuchs, Prof. Arie Arnon, Prof. Lea Ahdut, Prof. Joseph Zeira, Prof. Avia Spivack, Prof. Guy Mundlak, Prof. Daphna Barak-Erez, Prof. Michael Shalev, Prof. Avner De-Shalit, Prof. Shmuel Shye, Prof. David Levi–Faur, Adv. Didi Lachman-Meser, Nomika Zion. Contact details Prof. Itzhak Galnoor: Tel: 972-2-5605256 Nomika Zion: Tel: 972-54-7689181 / 972-8-6624447 f9